1. Enterprise Act 2002 Part 10 came into force on 15 September 2003. On the Enterprise Act reforms affecting corporate insolvency and rescue, see V Finch, “Control and Co-ordination in Corporate Rescue” (2005) 25Legal Studies374;id,”Re-invigorating Corporate Rescue” [2003]Journal of Business Law527; S Frisby, “In Search of a Rescue Regime: the Enterprise Act 2002” (2004) 67Modern Law Review247.
2. Chapter 11 of the US Bankruptcy Code (dating from the Bankruptcy Reform Act 1978).
3. See generally V Finch,Corporate Insolvency Law: Perspectives and Principles(Cambridge University Press, 2nd edn, 2009), 133–40; M Weaver and J Schulz, “Insolvency and Corporate Restructuring” (2009)Recovery37 (Summer).
4. See G Fuller,Corporate Borrowing: Law and Practice(Bristol, Jordans, 2006), ch 7; V Selvam, “Recharacterisation in ‘True Sale’ Securitizations” [2006]Journal of Business Law637.