1. Wenk, Edward Jr. 1972.The Politics of the Ocean, 40Seattle: University of Washington Press.
2. National Academy of Sciences, Committee on Oceanography (NASCO). 1959.Oceanography 1960–1970, I: Introduction and Summary Recommendations, 2Washington, D.C.: National Academy of Sciences. Emphasis added
3. Miloy, John. 1976.Origin of the National Sea Grant College System, 11–12. College Station, Texas: Texas A&M University. Master's thesis
4. Miloy, John. 1983.Creating the College of the Sea: The Origin of the Sea Grant Program, 7College Station, TX: Sea Grant College Program, Texas A&M University. TAMU‐SG‐83–604
5. University of Rhode Island (URI) and Southern New England Marine Sciences Association. 1965.The Concept of a Sea‐Grant University: Proceedings of the National Conference, October 28–29, 1965, Newport, R.I., 1Kingston, RI: University of Rhode Island.