1. Nandus prolixus, a new species of leaf fish from northeastern Borneo (Teleostei: Perciformes: Nandidae)
2. Cuvier, G. L. C. F. D., and A. Valenciennes. 1831.Histoire naturelle des poissons[History of Natural Fish]. Vol. 7, 531. Paris: Levrault.
3. Day, F. 1878.The Fishes of India; Being a Natural History of the Fishes. Vol. 1, 745. London: Bernard Quaiutcii.
4. Gray, J. E. 1835.Illustrations of Indian Zoology, Chiefly Selected from the Collection of Major General Hardwick, F. R. S. Vol. 2, 1–102. London: Adolphus Richter.