Supporting the lived experience through the implementation of peer-to-peer kinship navigation services


Littlewood Kerry12,Cooper Lawrence3,Rosenthal Michelle4,Averett Paige5,Pylant Jordan6,Bennett Russell7,Spadola Christine E.8


1. School of Social Work, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida, USA

2. CollabLab, AAJ Research & Evaluation, Inc., Seminole, Florida, USA

3. Prevention and Intervention Services, Children’s Home Network, Tampa, Florida, USA

4. Equitable Futures Research Lab, Data with Purpose, LLC, Berkeley, California, USA

5. School of Social Work, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA

6. Behavioral Health, Magnolia Mind and Body Therapy PLLC, Clayton, North Carolina, USA

7. Center for Social Innovation Research, Collaborative Solutions, Inc, Birmingham, Alabama, USA

8. School of Social Work, The University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, Texas, USA


Juvenile Welfare Board of Pinellas County

Children’s Board of Hillsborough County

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services


Informa UK Limited


Social Sciences (miscellaneous),Anthropology

Reference39 articles.

1. Peer models for families involved in the child welfare system: a systematic review

2. Annie E. Casey Foundation. (2012). Stepping up for kids: What government and communities should do to support kinship families. Retrieved from

3. Kinship support network: Edgewood's program model and client characteristics

4. Custodial Grandparents: Policies Affecting Care

5. EMPOWER: A randomized trial using community health workers to deliver a lifestyle intervention program in African American women with Type 2 diabetes: Design, rationale, and baseline characteristics

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