1. Broderick, A. C. & B. J. Godley (Eds.) (1993): Glasgow University Turtle Conservation to Northern Cyprus 1993. Expedition Report. – Department of Veterinary Anatomy, University of Glasgow Veterinary School, Glasgow.
2. Broderick, A. C. & B.J. Godley (Eds.) (1995): Glasgow University Turtle Conservation to Northern Cyprus 1995. Expedition Report. – Department of Veterinary Anatomy, University of Glasgow Veterinary School, Glasgow.
3. Erhart L.M. (1982): A review of sea turtle reproduction. p. 29–38. In: K. Bjorndal (Ed.), Biology and Conservation of Sea Turtles. –Washington D.C., 583 pp.
4. Godley, B. J. & A. C. Broderick (Eds.) (1992): Glasgow University Turtle Conservation to Northern Cyprus 1992. Expedition Report. – Department of Veterinary Anatomy, University of Glasgow Veterinary School, Glasgow.
5. Godley, B. J. & A. C, Broderick (Eds.) (1994). Glasgow University Turtle Conservation to Northern Cyprus 1994. Expedition Report. – Department of Veterinary Anatomy, University of Glasgow Veterinary School, Glasgow.