1. Blackman, RL and Eastop, VF. 2000.Aphids on the world's crops: an identification and information guide. 2nd ed, 476Chichester, NY: John Wiley and Sons.
2. Blackman, RL and Eastop, VF. 2006.Aphids on the world's herbaceous plants and shrubs. 2 Vols, 1460Chichester, NY: John Wiley and Sons.
3. Monograph of the British aphides ... By George Bowdler Buckton ...
4. Chan, CK, Forbes, AR and Raworth, DA. 1991. Aphid-transmitted viruses and their vectors of the world. Agriculture Canada Research Branch Technical Bulletin 1991-3E:1–216
5. A taxonomic study of Australian Aphidoidea (Homoptera)