1. Characterization of forages by chemical analysis.
2. Cherney, D. J.R. and Cherney, J. H. Feeding forages for optimum performance and pasture sustainability. Proc. Cornell Nutr. Conf. Feed Manufacturers. October19–211999, Rochester, New York. pp.186–195.
3. Dickerson, J. A. and van der Grinten, M. Developing eastern gamagrass as a haylage crop for the northeast. Proc. Am. Forage and Grassl. Council. June6–9, Blacksburg, Va. pp.194–198. Georgetown, TX: Am. Forage and Grassl. Council.
4. Comparative Nutritional Value of Eastern Gamagrass and Alfalfa Hay for Dairy Cows
5. Orchardgrass versus Alfalfa for Lactating Dairy Cattle: Production, Digestibility and Nitrogen Balance