1. Truman, Stanley R. 1951.The Doctor-His Career, His Business, His Human Relations, 82–83. 117Williams & Wilkins Co. For example, see: and 136–146; Henry S. Drinker,Legal Ethics. (Columbia University Press, 1953), pp. 210–212; William M. Trumbull,Materials on the Lawyer's Profession Responsibility, (Little, Brown, and Co., 1957), pp. 313–314; F. J.Blasingame, Digest of Official Actions of the American Medical Association, (American Medical Association, 1959), pp. 669–675; Byron S. Hollinshedd, “Principles of Ethics of the American Dental Association,”Survey of Dentistry(American Dental Association, 1958);Judicial Council Opinions and Reports, (American Medical Association, 1971), Section 5;Interpretations of Rules of Conduct, (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, 1975), pp. 35–40; “Three by the FTC,”Time(January 5, 1976), p. 73; and W. R. Barclay, “Trade or Profession?”The Journal of the American Medical Association(February 16, 1976),pp. 756–757