1. MOX fuel development: yesterday, today and tomorrow
2. Blanpain, P., Trotabas, M., Menut, P. and Thibault, X.Plutonium recycling in French power plants: MOX Fuel irradiation experience and behaviour. Proc. of IAEA Technical Committee Meeting.
3. Power Generation with Plutonium-uranium Mixed Oxide Fuel at Genkai Nuclear Power Station
4. Fujii, H., Teshima, H., Kanasugi, K. and Y. Kosaka, and Y. Arakawa.Final assessment of MOX fuel performance experiment with Japanese PWR specification fuel in the HBWR. Proc. of International LWR Fuel Performance Meeting. September 30–October 3. Paper 1043
5. Nakae, N., Ikehata, H., Baba, T. and K. Kamimura, H. Fujii, and Y. Kosaka.Irradiation behavior of MOX fuel under high burnup. Proc. of 2010 LWR Fuel Performance/TopFuel/WRFPM. September26–29. Paper 007