1. ISO, ‘Reference Neutron Radiations-Part 2 : Calibration Fundamentals of Radiation Protection Devices related to the Basic Quantities Characterizing the Radiation Field,’ ISO 8529-2, 2000.
2. KAERI, ‘Quantification of Neutron Fields at the Neutron Therapy Room of KCCH Using a Bonner Sphere,’ KAERI/RR-2442, 2003.
3. IAEA, ‘Guidelines on Calibration of Neutron Measuring Devices,’ IAEA Technical Reports Series 285, 1988.
4. L.S. Waters Ed. ‘MCNPXTM User’s Manual, Version 2.1.5’, TPO-E83-G-UG-00001 Rev.0 Nov.14, 1999.