1. Michael Salter BA (Hons) PhD, Lecturer in Criminology, School of Social Sciences and Psychology, University of Western Sydney, Locked Bag 1797, Penrith NSW 1797,
2. Thomas Crofts LLB LLM Dr iur, Associate Professor in Law, Sydney Institute of Criminology, Sydney Law School, Level 3, New Law Building, University of Sydney NSW 2006,
3. Murray Lee BA (Hons) PhD, Associate Professor in Law, Sydney Institute of Criminology, Sydney Law School, Level 3, New Law Building, University of Sydney NSW 2006, . This article is part of the Sexting and Young People: Perceptions, Practices, Policy and Law research project which is supported by a Criminology Research Grant provided by the Australian Institute of Criminology. The authors also wish to acknowledge the research support of the NSW Commission for Children and Young People.