1. Adler J.H. (1966) “Preparation of new rapid transit map” (Typescript memorandum to N.D. Brodkin Chief Engineer 18th January) Collection of New York Transit Museum.
2. Anon (1993) “Python takes to the wheel” Westminster & Pimlico News (30th December).
3. Bell, N. (2012) Phaidon Archive of Graphic Design London: Phaidon Press.
4. Berg N. (2021) “See NYC’s bold new subway map inspired by Massimo Vignelli’s 1972 classic” Fast Company (14th October 2021) Available at: https://www.fastcompany.com/90686377/see-nycs-bold-new-subway-map-inspired-by-massimo-vignellis-1972-classic (Accessed: 16th March 2024).
5. Bextor, R. (Dir) (1987) The London Underground Map (Broadcast 29th June 1987) London: BBC.