1. Unit of Valorization of Natural Resources, Bioactive Molecules and Physicochemical and Biological Analyzes, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Exact Sciences, University of Mentouri Brothers, P.B. 325 Route Ain El Bey, Constantine, Algeria
2. Laboratory of Materials Chemistry, University of Mentouri Brothers, P.B. 325 Route Ain El Bey, Constantine, Algeria
3. Department of Natural and Life Sciences, Faculty of Science, University Mohamed Boudiaf of M’Sila, 28 000, Agro-Biotechnology and Nutrition Laboratory in Arid and Semi-Arid Zones / Natural Resources Management and Environment Team. Ibn Khaldoun University, Tiaret, Algeria
4. Biotechnology Research Center, Ali Mendjli Nouvelle Ville UV03, BP E73, Constantine, Algeria
5. University of Çankiri Karatekin, Faculty of Science, Departement of Chemistry, Ballica Campus, Çankiri 18100, Turkey