1. Angelina Jolie pens article about the increase in child abuse amidst the coronavirus pandemic. (2020, August 9). The Breeze: James Madison University.https://advance-lexis-com.ezaccess.libraries.psu.edu/api/document?collection=news&id=urn:contentItem:5YMK-8TJ1-JBSN-351Y-00000-00&context=1516831
2. Baker, M. (2020, June 1). When did the coronavirus arrive in the U.S.? Here’s a review of the evidence. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/15/us/coronavirus-first-case-snohomish-antibodies.html
3. Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change.
4. Barker, K. (2020, March 23). Experts: Isolation could lead to surge in domestic abuse. The Joplin Globe (Missouri). https://advance-lexis-com.ezaccess.libraries.psu.edu/api/document?collection=news&id=urn:contentItem:5YH0-42R1-JC6P-C3P6-00000-00&context=1516831