1. External morphology of the eggs of Tinea pallescentella stainton, Tinea occidentella chambers, and Niditinea fuscella (L.) (lepidoptera: Tineidae)
2. Bicchierai, M. C. and Gaino, E. An ultrastructural approach to egg mass organization in some Trichoptera. Proc. 8th Int. Symp. on Trichoptera. U.S.A. Edited by: Flint, O. and Holzenthal, R. pp.25–30. Ohio Biological Survey.
3. Bicchierai, M. C. and Gaino, E. Structural and ultrastructural investigations on the eggs of Rhyacophila italica Moretti (Trichoptera: Rhyacophilidae). Proc. 9th Int. Symp. on Trichoptera. Chiang Mai, Thailand. Edited by: Malicky, H. and Chantaramongkol, P. pp.33–42.
4. Structure of ovaries and oogenesis in entognathans (Apterygota)