1. Rauschning, Hermann. 1940.The Voice of Destruction, 239New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons.
2. Langer, Walter C. 1972.The Mind of Adolf Hitler, 68New York: Basic Books, Inc.
3. Hitler, Adolf. 1943.Mein Kampf, Edited by: Man‐heim, Ralph. 183Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
4. von Ludendorff, Erich. 1920.The General Staff and Its Problems, Edited by: Holt, F. A. Vol. 11, 404London: Hutchin‐soa and Co.
5. von Ludendorff, Erich. 1919.Ludendorff's Own Story, 430New York: Harper and Brothers.