1. Barton, W., and C. Goldsmith. 1968. New England beryllium investigations, U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines.
2. Beus, A. A. 1966. Geochemistry of beryllium and genetic types of beryllium deposits. San Francisco and London: W. H. Freeman and Co.
3. Pegmatite investigations, 1942-45, in New England
4. Cliff Trebilcock, lifelong field collector of pegmatite minerals, recipient of the Maine Mineral & Gem Museum’s 2023 Heritage award;Dallaire D.;Rocks & Minerals,2023
5. Falster, A. U., and W. B. Simmons. 2013. The Bennett and Orchard pegmatites, Buckfield, Oxford Co., Maine. Peg 2013: 6th International Symposium on Granitic Pegmatites fieldtrip guidebook, 50–59. New Orleans, LA: Rubellite Press.