1. Bralović, Miloš. 2022. “Stvaralaštvo kompozitora Praške grupe posle II svetskog rata u kontekstu evropskih modernističkih strujanja” [The Works of the Composers of the Prague Group after World War II in the Context of European Modernist Tendencies]. Ph.D. diss., University of Arts in Belgrade, Faculty of Music.
2. The composer and his critics: The reception of Stanojlo Rajicic’s works in the light of crucial events for the development of Serbian music in the twentieth century
3. Russian Composers Abroad
4. Contested Racial Imaginings of the Serbian Self and the Romani Other in Serbia’s Guča Trumpet Festival
5. Gojkov, Srđan. 2019. “Aleksandra Vrebalov, kompozitorka: Moje teme nisu vezane za dnevnu politiku, već govore o patnji i ljudskim pobedama” [Aleksandra Vrebalov, Composer: My Topics Are Not Related to Daily Politics, But Talk About Suffering and Human Victories]. MojNoviSad.com, August 9. http://www.mojnovisad.com/gradske-face/aleksandra-vrebalov-kompozitorka-moje-teme-nisu-vezane-za-dnevnu-politiku-vec-govore-o-patnji-i-ljudskim-pobedama-id28982.html.