1. [ACSH] Advisory Committee on Safety and Health at Work. 2012. Opinion on the approach and content of an envisaged proposal by the Commission on the Amendment of Directive 2004/37/EC on carcinogens and mutagens at the workplace. Doc. 2011/12. Luxembourg, Luxembourg: European Commission, Employment and Social Affairs and Inclusion.
2. [ACSH] Advisory Committee on Safety and Health at Work. 2013. Supplementary opinion on the approach and content of an envisaged proposal by the Commission on the Amendment of Directive 2004/37/EC on carcinogens and mutagens at the workplace. Doc. 727/13. Luxembourg, Luxembourg: European Commission, Employment and Social Affairs and Inclusion.
3. [ACSH] Advisory Committee on Safety and Health at Work. 2016. Supplementary opinion No. 2 on the approach and content of an envisaged proposal by the Commission on the amendment of Directive 2004/37/EC on carcinogens and mutagens at the workplace. Doc. 2016/13. Luxembourg, Luxembourg: European Commission, Employment and Social Affairs and Inclusion.
4. [ACSH] Advisory Committee on Safety and Health at Work. 2017a. Fourteenth annual activity report of the Advisory Committee on Safety and Health at Work. Doc. 800/19-EN. Luxembourg, Luxembourg: European Commission, Employment and Social Affairs and Inclusion.