1. The Future of Sovereignty in Multilevel Governance Europe - A Constructivist Reading
2. Canada ( September 1998 ) Change, Challenge, Opportunity . Report of the Task Force on the Future of the Canadian Financial Services Sector. Retrieved June 2002 from http://finservtaskforce.fin.gc.ca/index_e.htm .
3. Canada ( September 28th , 1998 ) Proceeding of the Standing Senate Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce . Retrieved June 2002 from http://www.parl.gc.ca/36/1/parlbus/commbus/senate/com-e/bank-e/27evb-e.htm?Language=E&Parl=36&Ses=1&comm_id=3 .
4. Paradoxes of the Competition State: The Dynamics of Political Globalization