1. Primary sources
2. “Army Psychiatry Advisory Committee meeting, 1956.” Kew: The National Archives (TNA), WO 32/13462.
3. Bartlet, Leslie. “Military Matters.” In private papers of Dr Leslie Bartlet. London: Imperial War Museum (IWM), London (Not catalogued at the time of publication).
4. Bower, Lieutenant-General Roger. “Review of the Emergency in Malaya from June 1948 to August 1957.” Kuala Lumpur: Government Printers. TNA AIR 20/10377, 1957.
5. “C-in-C’s Conferences with GOsC MALAYA and SINGAPORE Districts held in KUALA LUMPUR on 19 and 20 Aug 48. Meeting held at Flagstaff House K.L. 1900 hrs 19 Aug 48.” TNA WO 268/8.