1. BCCDC. 2020. BC COVID-19 data. Victoria, BC: BC Centre for Disease Control. http://www.bccdc.ca/health-info/diseases-conditions/covid-19/data.
2. CAUT. 2020a. Post-Secondary Staff Concerned about Remote Teaching, Research, Health and Safety and Jobs. Ottawa: Canadian Association of University Teachers. 20 August. https://www.caut.ca/latest/2020/08/post-secondary-staff-concerned-about-remote-teaching-research-health-and-safety-and.
3. CAUT. 2020b. Post-Secondary Educators Issue Urgent Call for Support to Offset Impacts of COVID-19. Ottawa: Canadian Association of University Teachers. 1 May. https://www.caut.ca/latest/2020/05/post-secondary-educators-issue-urgent-call-support-offset-impacts-covid-19.
4. The Photo Diary as an Autoethnographic Method
5. Federalism and university governance in Canada