1. Whitehead , L. , ed. 1996.The International Dimensions of Democratization: Europe and the Americas, 19Oxford: Oxford University Press. Full membership of the EU, in Whitehead's summary, 'generates powerful, broad-based and long-term support for the establishment of democratic institutions because it is irreversible, and sets in train a cumulative process of economic and political integration that offers incentives and reassurances to a very wide array of social forces … it sets in motion a very complex and profound set of mutual adjustment processes, both within the incipient democracy and in its interactions with the rest of the Community, nearly all of which tend to favour democratic consolidation'
2. Grabbe , H. and Hughes , K. 1998.Enlarging the EU Eastwards, 41 ffLondon: Royal Institute of International Affairs.
3. European Commission, DG IA F/6. 1998.Accession Partnership: Slovakia3–4. 7Brussels