1. 1995.Krai otecheskii nad rekoi Chagroi11Chapaevsk Founded in 1935, the county has a population of about 20 000 in its 43 settlements, grouped into 11 village districts (interview with N. F. Budorin, chief of the Krasnoarmeisk county administration, 27 June 1995, Krasnoarmeiskoe village). Generally the southern part of Samara oblast' is agrarian but, in particular, Krasnoarmeisk is the fourth county in the oblast' in terms of the supply of agricultural products to the state. See
2. Matsuzato , K. and Shatilov , A. B. , eds. 1997.Regiony Rossii-Khronika i rukovoditeli (3), Samarskaya oblast', Yaroslavskaya oblast' Occasional Papers on Changes in the Slavic-Eurasian World, No. 35185–186. Sapporo In 1986 Evgenii Kvasov was removed from the post of ispolkom chairman. The official reason for this was that he had violated decisions made by the oblast' ispolkom. In 1989 he was excluded from the party