1. 1998.International Economic Report 1997/1998, 29World Economy Research Institute, Warsaw School of Economics. See the following comparative data:Recovery in Central Europe: GDP in 1997 (1989 =100)A BPoland 111.8Slovenia 99.6Slovakia 97.8Czech Republic 93.2Hungary 89.8Source: Poland,
2. 1999. 'Handel zagraniczny: Minus 13.6 mid dolarow'.Gazeta Wyborcza, 9 February
3. 1998. 'Bilans roku 1998'.Rzeczpospolita, 31 December By the end of 1998 the following comment could appear in a respected Polish daily: 'Today no-one talks about 2002 as the date of our entry although just a few months ago Polish politicians voiced that view. The year 2006 now appears to be a very optimistic date'. See>1 January 1999