1. Chandran L Duong D Omaswa F Khuri F Tuan TD Knaul F. 2022 Nov 2–4. Global advances and challenges in HPE: developing the workforce needed for current conditions and emerging challenges [Panel Discussion]. International Conference on the Future of Health Professions Education. Coral Gables (FL): University of Miami.
2. Evans T Zimmer S Chuenkongkaew W Garcia P Ferguson S. 2022 Nov 2–4. The impact of COVID-19 on HPE: lessons from the pandemic from across the globe [Panel Discussion]. International Conference on the Future of Health Professions Education. Coral Gables (FL): University of Miami.
3. Ford H Munro C. 2022 Nov 2–4. Updates in health professions education [Conference Presentation]. International Conference on the Future of Health Professions Education. Coral Gables (FL): University of Miami.
4. Frank E. 2022 Nov 2–4. NextGen U [Keynote Address]. In: International Conference on the Future of Health Professions Education. Coral Gables (FL): University of Miami.
5. Health professionals for a new century: transforming education to strengthen health systems in an interdependent world