1. A Ladder Of Citizen Participation
2. Bidgood J. (2015) Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant begins slow process of closing The New York Times January 4. Available at https://www.nytimes.com/2015/01/05/us/vermont-yankee-nuclear-plant-begins-slow-process-of-closing html (accessed 4 April 2023).
3. Brady J. (2020) Smaller nuclear plants may come with less stringent safety rules National Public Radio August 1. Available at npr.org/2020/08/01/897163261/smaller-nuclear-power-plants-may-come-with-lessstringent-safety-rules (accessed 12 December 2023).
4. Clifford C. (2021) Bill Gates’ TerraPower aims to build its first advanced nuclear reactor in a coal town in Wyoming [Online]. Available at https://www.cnbc.com2021/11/17/bii-gates-terrapower-buildsitsfirst-nuclear-reactor-in-a-coaltown.html (accessed 30 December 2022).
5. Cockburn A. (2022) Spent fuel: The risky resurgence of nuclear power Harper’s Magazine January. Available at harpers.org/archive/2022/01/spent-fuel-therisky-resurgence-of-nuclear-power/ (accessed 23 March 2022).