1. Department of Geological and Mining Engineering, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Toledo, Spain
2. Instituto de Geografía, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile
3. Millennium Nucleus Paleoclimate, ANID Millennium Science Initiative, Santiago, Chile
4. Department of Geodynamic, Stratigraphy and Paleontology, Complutense University, Madrid, Spain
5. Prospecting and Mining Research Area, Department of Mining, Topography and Structure Technology, Higher Technical School of Mining Engineering, León, Spain
6. Fundació Marcel Chevallier, Edifici Socio-Cultural de La Llacuna, Andorra la Vella, Principality of Andorra
7. Environmental Archaeology Research Group, Institute of History, CSIC, Madrid, Spain
8. MONREPOS, Archaeological Research Centre and Museum for Human Behavioural Evolution, Neuwied, Germany
9. Instituto de Geociencias – IGEO (UCM, CSIC), Madrid, Spain