1. The Voortrekker Monument Pretoria Official Guide(Pretoria Board of Control of the Voortrekker Monument, 1st ed., 1954;6th ed., 1969), 12, my emphasis
2. Vail, L. 1989. “Introduction: Ethnicity in Southern African History”. 14 in L. Vail, ed.The Creation of Tribalism in Southern Africa(California
3. Pelzer, A. N. “The Historical Background to the Voortrekker Monument', inThe Voortrekker Monunumt Official Guide, 14
4. Giliomee, H. “The Beginnings of Afrikaner Ethnic Consciousness, 1850–1915”. in Vail,Creation of Tribalism, 22
5. Etherington, N. “The Great Trek in Relation to the Mfecane: A Reassessment”.South African Historical Journal, 25 (1991), 8