1. Structural Inertia and Organizational Change
2. Actually, Spain is third in the EU ranking of main machine tool producers and exporters behind two highly-developed European countries: Germany and Italy. It has climbed from twelfth to ninth place in the world ranking as a producer and to tenth place as an exporter. At the beginning of the new millennium, exports accounted for around 51 percent of total production value, with EU consumption exceeding 60 percent of Spanish production. The main destination countries for foreign sales have traditionally been Germany, France, Italy, Mexico, Portugal, the U.S.A., Poland, the U.K., China, and Turkey.
3. In 2006, Nicolas Correa Group consisted of five industrial subsidiaries (GNC Caldereria, GNC Manufacturing, GNC Electronics, GNC Laser and GNC Kunming), two production plants (Burgos and Iciar) and seven commercial subsidiaries (two in Spain: GNC Catalunya and GNC Mepro, and five abroad: GNC China, GNC Deutschland, GNC Italy, GNC Portugal and GNC USA).
4. As evidence of the latter, it is worth mentioning NC's participation in the European project VINO (Vibration and Noise reduction through new light damping structures, with the main aim being to study the use of light structures for building high-performance machines) and AEROFIVE (the major objective of this project is the development of newer, more efficient high-speed machining processes adapted to the specific requirements of aerospace manufacturing).