1. Mixed populations of Bulinus senegalensis (Muller) and Bulinus forskali (Ehrenburg) (Mollusca: Planorbidae) in The Gambia
2. Noamesi, G. K. & Morcos, G. (1974). Health component in South Chad Irrigation Project: Feasibility Study. Follow-up studies on schistosomiasis and malaria. Report on missions (September-November, 1973). WHO Unpublished document, AFRjSCHIST/30: 26 pp.
3. Odei, M. A. (1977). Health component in South Chad Irrigation Project: Feasibility Study. Follow-up studies on the snail hosts of schistosomiasis. WHO Unpublished document, AFR/SCHIST/37: 24 pp.
4. Malumfashi Endemic Diseases Research Project, XV
5. On the ecology of schistosome vectors in the Gambia, with evidence of their rôle in transmission