Blackwater Fever in West Africa, 1941–45


Findlay G. M.


Informa UK Limited


Infectious Diseases,Parasitology

Reference9 articles.

1. Abreu, A. de (1623). Tratado de las siete enfermedades, de la inflammacion universal del higado, zirbo, pyloron, y riñones, y de la obstrucion, de la satiriasi, de la terciana y febre maligna, y passion hipocondriaca. Lisboa: P. Craesbeeck.

2. Aubrey, T. (1729). The sea-surgeon, or the Guinea man's vade mecum; in which is laid down the method of curing such diseases as usually happen abroad, especially on the coast of Guinea, with the best way of treating negroes, both in health and in sickness: written for the use of young sea-surgeons. Lond.: J. Clarke.

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5. How World War 1 changed global attitudes to war and infectious diseases;The Lancet;2014-11







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