1. American Council on Education. (2021). 2021 Fall term pulse point survey of college and university presidents. https://www.acenet.edu/Documents/Pulse-Point-Survey-Fall2021.pdf
2. Association for University and College Counseling Center Directors. (2022). A history of the association for university and college counseling center directors. https://www.aucccd.org/assets/aucccd/AUCCCD%20history%20project%202022%202.0.pdf
3. Center for Collegiate Mental Health. (2021b February). Part 4 of 5: Impact of COVID-19 on students served at college counseling centers. https://ccmh.psu.edu/index.php?option=com_dailyplanetblog&view=entry&year=2021&month=02&day=22&id=12:part-4-of-5-impact-of-covid-19-on-students-served-at-college-counseling-centers
4. Center for Collegiate Mental Health. (2023). The clinical load index (CLI). https://ccmh.psu.edu/cli
5. Accreditation Guidelines for University and College Counseling Services