1. Africa Development Bank (AfDB) 2021, Gender Responsive Climate Resilient Solutions in East Africa, AfDB Group.
2. Africa Group of Negotiators Support (AGNES) 2020 ‘Closing the Gender Gap in African Agriculture in the Face of Climate Change’ CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform Policy Brief No. 4 https://gender.cgiar.org/publications/closing-gender-gap-african-agriculture-face-climate-change (accessed 19 July 2023).
3. Akram-Lodhi, AH 2018, Factors Driving the Gender Gap in Agricultural Productivity: Uganda, UN Women, UN Development Programme (UNDP) and UN Environment, https://africa.unwomen.org/sites/default/files/Field%20Office%20Africa/Attachments/Publications/2019/tanzania-web%20version.pdf (accessed 19 July 2023).
4. The Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index
5. Risk Preferences and Environmental Uncertainty: Implications for Crop Diversification Decisions in Ethiopia