1. 2001.Izvestiya, 21 March and also Putin's comments during his mid-winter Siberian tour: he raised these points at a meeting devoted to utilities reform in Tomsk on 16 February and in televised remarks in Omsk the following day. (Putin's major interviews, speeches and other public statements may be found on the Kremlin website [http://presidentkremlin.ru/events/]. Unless indicated otherwise, references to his public pronouncements as president are to this site.)
2. 2001. 'EzhegodnoeposlaniePiezidentaRossiiskoiFederatsii Federal'nomu Sobraniyu Rossiiskoi Federatsii'.Moscow, 3 April (http://piesident.kremlin.ru/ events/191.html)
3. The Origins of the Stalinist Political System
4. Birth of the Leviathan