1. How Russia Is Ruled
2. 1999.Reference to the uzkii sostav may be found in Anastas Mikoyan, Tak bylo: razinyshleniya o minuvshem, 500564Moscow: Bagirus. the blizhnii krug is referred to in Danilov. `Stalinskoe politbyuro', p. 193
3. 1956.The Anti-Stalin Campaign and International Communism, 84New York: Columbia University Press. All three appear to have lost Stalin s trust in the years since the XVIII Congress. Andreev's visits to Stalin's office had fallen off in 1940, Kaganovich's in 1942 and Voroshilov's in 1944. See sheet 2 of S. G. Wheatcroft, `Stalin and the Soviet Political Elite: The Private Meetings in Stalin's Kremlin Office, 1930-1953'. paper presented at conference on `Stalin's Politburo, 1929-1953', Florence, March 2000, cited by permission. Stalin's exclusion of Voroshilov and Andreev was commented on in the Secret Speech (for the English version, see). The wartime marginalisation of Kaganovich is more of a mystery but may have been connected to the arrest and suicide of his brother, Mikhail, in July 1941
4. Djilas , Milovan . 1962.Conversations with Stalin, 97London: Hart-Davis. For a brief portrait of a senile and near-blind `Old Uncle Kalinin' being chided and made fun of by Stalin in 1945 see