1. Department of Invertebrate Zoology and Geology, Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability, California Academy of Sciences, 55 Music Concourse Drive, San Francisco, California 94118, U.S.A.,
2. Integrative Research Center, Field Museum of Natural History, 1400 South Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60605, U.S.A.,
3. Department of Biology, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, U.S.A.,
4. Department of Geosciences, Virginia Tech, 4044 Derring Hall, 926 West Campus Drive, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061, U.S.A.,
5. Karoo Palaeontology, National Museum, Bloemfontein, 9300, South Africa,
6. Department of Zoology and Entomology, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, 9300, South Africa
7. Evolutionary Studies Institute, P.O. Wits 2050, Johannesburg, South Africa,
8. School of Geosciences, University of the Witwatersrand, P.O. Wits 2050, Johannesburg, South Africa,
9. [Karoo Palaeontology,] Iziko South African Museum, P.O. Box 61 Cape Town 8000, South Africa,