1. Developing a test battery for diagnosis of childhood apraxia of speech in Arabic speakers
2. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (2007). Childhood apraxia of speech: Position statement. Rockville (MD). Available from: http://www.asha.org/policy/PS2007-00277/.
3. Development of Orofacial Praxis of Children from 4 to 8 Years of Age
4. Blakley, R. W. (2001). Screening test for developmental apraxia of speech-second edition. Pro-Ed.
5. Capovilla, F. C., Negrão, V. B., & Damazio, M. (2011). Teste de Vocabulário Auditivo e Teste de Vocabulário Expressivo - TVAud e TVExp: validado e normatizado para o desenvolvimento e compreensão da fala dos 18 meses aos 6 anos de idade [Auditory Vocabulary Test and Expressive Vocabulary Test - TVAud and TVExp: Validated and standardised for the development and understanding of speech from 18 months to 6 years of age]. Memmon Edições Científicas. 582 p.