1. Aquinas, Thomas. 1948. Summa Theologica. Translated by the Fathers of the English Dominican Province. Allen: Christian Classics. Accessed August 14, 2021. http://www.documenta-catholica.eu/d_1225-1274-%20Thomas%20Aquinas%20-%20Summa%20Theologiae%20-%20Prima%20Pars%20-%20EN.pdf.
2. Just war and the question of authority
3. The Morality of Retributive Targeted Killing
4. Department of Defense. 2020. “Statement by the Department of Defense.” January 2. Accessed March 22, 2020. https://www.defense.gov/Newsroom/Releases/Release/Article/2049534/statement-by-the-department-of-defense/.
5. 'Targeted killings' in an age of terror: the legality of the Yemen strike