1. Brown, R. (1977, June). Why are signed languages easier to learn than spoken languages? Keynote address presented at the Na-tional Symposium on Sign Language Research and Teaching, Chicago.
2. Why Are Signed Languages Easier to Learn than Spoken Languages? Part Two
3. Fristoe, M. & Bristow, D. (1982, November). Blissymbol translucency rating changes following three experimental manipulations. Poster session presented at the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Toronto.
4. Goodenough-Trepagnier, C. (1981, June). Representation of lan-guage for nonvocal communication. Paper presented at the AACP&T-NEMC meeting, Advances in Technical Aids for Children with Physical Disabilities, Tufts, Medford, MA.
5. Jones, P. R. & Cregan, A. (1986). Sign and symbol communication for mentally handicapped people. London: Groom Helm, Ltd.