1. A Bonded Particle Model Simulation of Shear Strength and Asperity Degradation for Rough Rock Fractures
2. Bahrani, N., Potyondy, D. & Pierce, M. (2012). Simulation of brazilian test using PFC2D grain-based model. In RockEng12 – rock engineering for natural resources. Proceedings of 21st Canadian rock mechanics symposium, Edmonton, Canada, May 2012, pp. 485–493. Westmount: CARMA, CIMICM.
3. Bahrani, N., Valley, B., Kaiser, P. K. & Pierce, M. (2011). Evaluation of PFC2D grain-based model for simulation of confinement-dependent rock strength degradation and failure processes. In Proceedings of 45th U.S. rock mechanics/geomechanics symposium, San Francisco, CA, June 26–29, 2011, ARMA 11-156, CD.
4. Effects of intra-crystalline microcracks on the mechanical behavior of a marble under indentation
5. A clumped particle model for rock