1. ALTA FREQUENZA. 1978.Special issue on the SIRIO programme, 47(4)
2. ALTA FREQUENZA. 1979.special issue on SIRIO results in the first year of experiments, 48(6)
3. DRUFUCA, G. 1972.Rain attenuation statistics for frequencies above 10 GHz from raingauge records, Agard Conf. Proc. No. 107‐Gansdal 14–1. 14–15. Norway 18–21 Sept. 1972
4. IEEE Conf. on Antennas and Propagation Publ. No. 195;_____,1981
5. GOLDHIRSH. 1980.Radar estimation of slant path rain attenuation at frequencies above 10 GHz and comparisons with measured multi‐season results, Agard Conf. Proc. No. 284 7–1. 7–12. London 12–16 May 1980