1. Speaker recognition: a tutorial
2. N. Evans, T. Kinnunen and J. Yamagishi, “Spoofing and countermeasures for automatic speaker verification,” in Proceedings of Interspeech, Lyon, France, 2013, pp. 925–9.
3. Spoofing and countermeasures for speaker verification: A survey
4. F. Alegre, A. Janicki and N. Evans, “Re-assessing the threat of replay spoofing attacks against automatic speaker verification,” in Proceedings Int. Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group (BIOSIG), Darmstadt, Germany, 2014, pp. 1–6.
5. Z. Wu, T. Kinnunen, N. Evans, J. Yamagishi, C. Hanilçi, M. Sahidullah and A. Sizov, “ASVspoof 2015: The first automatic speaker verification spoofing and countermeasures challenge,” in Proceedings of Interspeech, Dresden, Germany, 2015, pp. 2037–41.