1. “ACLU Challenges FBI Face Recognition Secrecy”. n.d. American Civil Liberties Union. Accessed June 1 2020. https://www.aclu.org/press-releases/aclu-challenges-fbi-face-recognition-secrecy.
2. African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights. 2017. Guidelines on Freedom of Association and Assembly in Africa .
3. AFR South Wales. n.d. “2017–2019 Deployments.” Accessed June 10 2020. http://afr.south-wales.police.uk/cms-assets/deployments/uploads/All-Deployments.pdf.
4. American Civil Liberties Union v United States Department of Justice. 2019. United States District Court.
5. Andrejevic, Mark. 2007. iSpy: Surveillance and Power in the Interactive Era. Lawrence: University of Kansas Press.