1. ACAA, 2016, Sustainable Construction With Coal Combustion Products: https://www.acaa-usa.org/Portals/9/Files/PDFs/Sustainability_Construction_w_CCPs (Consolidated).pdf: The American Coal Ash Association.
2. ACAA Glossary of Terms, 2003, http://www.wwccpn.net/index_htm_files/Glossary_ of_Terms_Concerning_the_Management_and_Use_of_CCPs_2003.pdf: The American Coal Ash Association.
3. ADAA, 2016, http://www.adaa.asn.au/about-ccps: The Ash Development Association of Australia.
4. Agriculture Department of China, 2015, http://www. soil. csdb. cn/page/index vpage.
5. A review on the utilization of fly ash