1. Bern, P. A., Hearn, P. J., Zamora, M. and Slater, K. S. The influence of drilling variables on barite sag. SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition. October6–9, Denver, CO. SPE 36670
2. Bern, P. A., van Oort, E., Neusstadt, B., Ebeltoft, H., Zurdo, C., Zamora, M. and Slater, K. Barite sag: Measurement, modelling and management. Asia Pacific Drilling Conference. September7–9, Jakarta, Indonesia. SPE/IADC 47784
3. Bern, P. A., Zamora, M., Slater, K. S. and Hearn, P. J. The influence of drilling variables on barite sag. SPE Annual Technical Conference. October6–9, Denver, CO. SPE 36670
4. Fjogstad, A., Saasen, A., Hagen, R., Tanche-Larsen, P. B., Ree, R., Melgren, H., Rostad, E. and Hoset, H. Field trial of alternative weight material with improved occupational hygiene and environmental properties. SPE International Conference on Health, Safety and the Environment in Oil and Gas Exploration and Production. June26–28, Stavanger, Norway. SPE 61042