1. Manuscript Sources
2. Fairfax Nathaniel. 1668. “Nathaniel Fairfax to Henry Oldenburg 17 July 1668.” London Royal Society Library EL/F1/17. Edited in Oldenburg 1967 vol. 4 554–556.
3. Holder, William. 1668a. Ellements of speach. London, Royal Society, MS/366/2/6.
4. Lodwick, Francis. 1658. Concerning a perfect, universall Alfabeth. London, British Library, Sloane MS 932, fols. 1–17. Edited in Henderson and Poole 2011, 111–131 (citation below).
5. Lodwick, Francis. n.d. A Designe for an Universal Alphabet. London, Royal Society Library, CLP/16/4 ed. Edited in Henderson & Poole 2011, 155–164 (cited below).