1. Ester der Chromsäure, II.: Ester der Chromsäure mit Alkoholen der aliphatischen und aromatischen Reihe
2. The Chemistry of Diisopropyl Chromate
3. The ASTM Chemical Thermodynamic and Energy Release Evalution Program CHETAH6computes four criteria for a potential energy hazard, based on classical thermodynamic calculations. DTBC (MW = 230) has the following properties: ΔH25f-246 Kcal/mol, ΔHcombustion-1134 Kcal/mol7. Maximum energy is released in the reaction: DTBC → 4.75 C + 2.5 H2O + 3.25 CH4+ 0.5 Cr2O3, ΔHmax.-91.5 KcalCriterion1,ΔHmax -0.4 Kcal/g -0.7 < c1<0.4 rated asmedium,Criterion2, ΔHcomb-ΔHmax=4.5 Kcal/g. Compared with ΔHmax6this value is rated asmedium,Criterion3, % Oxygen necessary for complete combustion to CO2and H2O according to Lothrop et al.8Value for DTBC is -156.4 and is rated asmedium.,Criterion4, to account for the fact that although small quantities of a compound may not be dangerous, large quantities may be indeed. A value of 11.9 is calculated and rated asmedium., The overall conclusion is that DTBC is not an explosive (not shock-sensitive)