1. Arevalillo-Herráez, M., Arnau, D., Marco-Giménez, L., González-Calero, J. A., Moreno-Picot, S., Moreno-Clari, P. … Quirós, P. (2014). Providing personalized guidance in arithmetic problem solving. In M. Kravcik, O. C. Santos, & J. G. Boticario (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th iternational workshop on personalization approaches in learning environments (PALE), held in conjunction with the 22nd international conference on user modeling, adaptation, and personalization (UMAP2014) Aalborg, Denmark, July 11th, 2014. CEUR workshop proceedings (vol. 1181, pp. 42–48). Denmark. ISSN 1613-0073.
2. Guide to Biometrics
3. Affect Detection: An Interdisciplinary Review of Models, Methods, and Their Applications
4. Quantifying the effects of external factors on individual performance
5. New Methods for Stress Assessment and Monitoring at the Workplace