1. W. R. Gambill , and W. R. Reed , State-of-the-Art Review of Heat Recovery Processes , Rep. ORNL/TM-6222 , Oak Ridge National Laboratory , Oak Ridge , Tenn. , Aug . 1978 .
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3. R. A. Trevino-Lozano , D. M. Baars , and E. N. Keitelman , Characterization of Heat Transfer in Preheaters of Bench-Scale Solvent Refined Coal Apparatus , Rep. ORNL-MIT-316 , Oak Ridge National Laboratory , Oak Ridge , Tenn. , Dec . 1980 .
4. R. M. Thorgood , C. L. Yeh , and S. M. Morris , Scaleup of the SRC-1 Coal Liquefaction Process , presented at the Second World Congress of Chemical Engineering , Montreal , Quebec , Canada , Oct. 4–9 , 1981 .
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